Historical Research POW
Ossian Arthur Seipel's Memoirs
Chapter 3
It was a
short ride into the quaint little village.
We passed an older Frenchman walking along
the road, and he gave me the “V” sign with
his right hand.* I waved back to him just
to let him know that it wouldn’t be too much
longer till it was over. The major had the
vehicle stop. The soldiers picked up the
old man and took him with them in the
truck. The dirt road turned into a
cobblestone road in the village and the
tires made a rougher sound. We stopped in
front of a single story house set back about
fifty feet off the road. I was led into the
house and it was quite dark. The only light
came from the two small windows. The walls
seemed to be about a foot thick and made out
of dried mud. The roof was made out of
straw. There was a table in the main room
where I was told to sit. |

2nd Lt Ossian
Arthur Seipel's dog tag - Photo Lynn
Pretty soon a German
corporal came in and started to ask me a lot of
questions. I gave him only my name, rank and
serial number. He typed that information on a sheet
of paper and took off to the back room. I was then
led through a small door to another dark room with
only one window and three chairs. Knox was sitting
on one of them, but we didn’t show any signs of
recognition that might some how link the two of us
together. We didn’t speak, just sat there.
Pretty soon they
brought in our camera man who immediately greeted us
both. We tried to ignore him thinking he’d get the
hint, but he kept talking. His name was Orenstein, and he was the
first one of us called in for interrogation. The
corporal shoved him through the door and prodded him
with an automatic pistol.
After about five
minutes they came for me, and when the corporal gave
me a shove the major stopped him and chewed him out
pretty good. It was all in German, but you could
tell the major was upset. In the German army, a
corporal couldn’t touch an officer like that and the
major let him know it meant any officer. The major
asked me a lot of questions about the group and what
was our target and stuff like that, but I told him
that all I could give him was my name, rank and
serial number. He said he knew that but sometimes
people talk without thinking. He was concerned that
someone named Seipel would be fighting against the
I was taken back
to the other room while he had a go at Knox, and
then they brought Knox back to the room too. We
never did see the cameraman again.
They gave us
each a slice of pumpernickel bread and a slab of
bloodwurst for supper and we sat around some more.
Later that night they put Knox and me in the
back of a truck that had a bench like seat on each
side, and four Germans got in with us. They sat,
one at each end of the bench, with us in the middle
sitting across from each other. They each had
automatic pistols aimed at us the whole time. A
German captain rode in the front with the driver.
After a couple of hours we stopped at an
intersection and turned down a one lane road which
turned out to be nothing more than a set of tire
tracks. They made us get out and go to the side of
the road, against a stone fence, while two of the
guys argued with the other two. I think it was
about what to do with us, and it didn’t sound too
good. Finally the captain came from somewhere out
of the dark and said something to them and we were
again put in the truck to continue the trip to, who
knows what. I had fleeting thoughts about being a
hero like in the movies, but with the guns aimed at
us it was out of the question. After a while we
arrived at a big iron gate. The captain shouted
something to the guards and they opened the gate.
We drove in to a poorly lit cobblestoned area with
high brick walls all around.
This may have been the Bastille. It was big and
old enough. It was right in town, not out in the
country like prisons in the States. The walls
seemed to be about six feet thick, and at least
twenty feet high.
We were taken inside, stripped and searched and
they took everything. Four guys went over our
clothes searching for anything that we may try to
get past them. I had a small bar compass hidden in
the hem of my handkerchief, which they missed ‘cause
the handkerchief was one I had been using for a
couple of weeks. They did find a silk map of
central France that I had hidden in my package of
cigarettes, and some French francs in my back
pocket. Two other guys searched our mouths and
other body cavities wearing rubber gloves. My class
ring and wedding ring along with my watch were put
into a paper envelope and stuck into one of my socks
with my belt and other sock. I was allowed to keep
my underwear, shirt and pants. We were then put
into cells with an iron cot and one small barred
window about six feet off the floor. The cell was
locked with a bang and I was left to myself. I
wished they had let me keep my A2 jacket ‘cause it
was cold.
After a cold, fretful night I was awakened at
daylight by a guard banging on the iron door and
shouting “rouse, rouse”, a little Frenchman followed
him with a bucket of liquid that they passed off as
coffee. There was a metal bucket in the corner of
the cell which was the only waste depository.
Nothing happened until about mid morning when the
air raid warning was sounded and we had the
opportunity to watch an allied air raid from the
receiving end.
B-24s were hitting a target somewhere in town
and I could hear other prisoners cheering as we
watched the bombs dropping. The cheering stopped
when two of the 24s were shot down. We watched as
the parachutes opened, and felt for the poor guy
who’s chute opened, but burned away over him, and he
dropped. I had dreams about that happening, even
years later and I always woke in a cold sweat. The
spent flak made a lot of noise as it hit the roof
tops of the nearby buildings, but it stopped after a
couple of minutes.
Sometime later, maybe around noon, they brought
a slice of brown bread, a chunk of cheese about one
by two inches square and some more of the ersatz
coffee. It took the edge off.
I still couldn’t realize what had happened. It
seemed like some weird dream. I could almost
imagine a guillotine in the courtyard like in “A
Tale of Two Cities”. There was no sound except the
occasional footsteps of the guards outside the cell,
and the muffled shouts of somebody calling for the
Two nights in this place and twelve of us were
let out of our respective cells and marched to a
waiting truck. We were given our personal items,
rings, belts and anything else that was not
government issue. They kept the watches. I guess
they figured time wasn’t important to us anymore.
All twelve of us were put in the truck and the
guards got in the accompanying trucks, six in the
front one and six in the back one. That’s right,
one guard for each prisoner. After a short ride we
arrived at a railroad yard and were put aboard a
passenger car, six of us to two compartments. Soon
the rest of the car filled up with wounded German
troops going home on leave. The rest of the train
was made up of flat cars with tanks, trucks,
artillery pieces and box cars loaded with ammunition
and other military material. This was a prime
target for Allied air craft, and we all knew it.
We pulled out of Paris and headed east. We all
knew that we were heading for Germany. One of the
prisoners had severe burns on his face and it was
blistered so that he couldn’t open his eyes. A
German officer walked by the compartment noticed him
and came in. He spoke a little English and let us
know that he was a medical doctor from a U boat, and
would give the guy with the burned face first aid.
He had a guard bring his bag and he proceeded to
drain the blisters on the guys face so that he could
see. He also gave him some kind of medicated salve
to put on the raw places. That surprised all of us
and we thought that maybe there would be better
treatment ahead. No such luck.
The trip was not the usual Paris to Frankfurt
pleasure trip. The train was made up mostly of
freight cars that were shuttled from track to track
as they dropped off cars here and picked up others
from there. We were subjected to an air raid while
in one of the marshaling yards. The guards and all
Germans got off and went to shelters but left us
locked on the train. We yelled and carried on a lot
but they just watched from the shelter. A car on
the track next to us was set on fire and as soon as
the ‘all clear’ was sounded the guards came back and
moved the train away from the fire. We never
stopped in another marshaling yard, but stopped on
the out skirts of town to protect the town from the
possible explosion of our ammunition train.
All of us were air force officers, pilots,
bombardiers and navigators. We could really
appreciate the damage that our efforts had done to
the German railroads. There was damage to most of
the bridges, and the repair work was going on
constantly. Most of the work was done by French and
Polish slave labor, under German supervision.
We arrived at Frankfurt and were marched through
the station to the jeers and shouts of the German
civilians. They waved sticks and umbrellas at us
and threw anything they could get their hands on. I
think we were glad we had the twelve guards ‘cause
they kept the civilians from getting too close to
us, although they didn’t try to limit the stone
They marched us to a good sized compound made up
of a number of military buildings with a huge wire
fence around it. We found out later that this was
the Dulag Luft, the interrogation center for all
captured allied airmen. We were separated and put
away in solitary confinement. The room was about
eight feet by five feet in size and had one window
that was boarded up and painted over so that you
couldn’t see out. There was a cot with a bag of
excelsior for a mattress. It was almost flat from
the constant use. The usual bucket for toilet
purposes sat in a corner. There was no light except
what came through the painted window. The guard
explained in pretty good English that we would be
fed and when we were finished we should put our
utensils on the shelf on the inside of the door. He
also said there was a rope to pull if we need
anything. Yeah right!!!
I could hear movement outside my door like they
were passing out food, but they didn’t stop at my
door. I pulled the rope a number of times but
nothing happened. I slept a little and when I awoke
it was pitch black. I guess I slept some more and
finally the window seemed a little lighter, so it
must be morning. There was more movement outside my
door. The shelf on the door moved around and there
was a cup of the fine ersatz coffee and a thin slice
of, what tasted like sour sawdust. I finished that
off and left the cup on the shelf. Sometime later I
was lying there thinking about what else could
happen when the shelf on the door swung to the
outside of the door and the outside shelf came in
with nothing on it. One mystery was solved.
There was always some kind of activity going on
outside my door but no one ever said anything. As
it was getting darker outside a cup of watery soup
and another slice of the sawdust bread appeared on
the shelf and I had my supper. I stood on my cot
one day and tried to scratch some paint off the
window so I could at least see something. The door
opened and the guard dashed in grabbed my belt from
behind and pulled me down to the floor and left me
sitting on the floor. All he said was “Das ist
verboten” and without another word, he left. I
pulled the rope on several occasions, but no one
ever came to investigate.
I think it was the third day the guard came and
opened the door and motioned for me to come out.
There was a German officer waiting for me. He was
what I had imagined a real Prussian officer would be
like. He was a little shorter than me, but looked
fit. He was completely bald and the only thing he
lacked was a monocle. He greeted me in perfect
English and led me to his office. He pointed out
the beautiful scenery and told me about his hunting
lodge in the forest back home. When we got to his
office he sat at his desk and I sat across from
him. He gave me a choice of American, French or
British cigarettes. I took a Camel and it sure
tasted good. Then he started his interrogation.
How many planes did we have on my last mission,
what was the target and what was the feeling of the
men in my squadron about the war. I recited my
name, rank and serial number and he laughed. He
went to a book case on one wall and brought a thick
loose leaf binder with “397th Bomb Group” printed on
the cover. He proceeded to tell me more about the
Group than I knew. He read off the chain of command
and even mentioned that Captain Berger was now a
Major. He asked about my bride in Iowa and would I
like to write to her. I said yes and he assured me
that it would be taken care of later. He told me
when and where I got my wings and when I got
married. Than he threw in a question like, what is
the service ceiling of the B-26 and the maximum bomb
load. My name, rank and serial number didn’t
surprise him, so he gave me another cigarette and
had a guard take me back to my cell.
A few minutes later the guard took me out and
let me shower and shave before taking me back to the
cell. I felt better, but not much. Supper was the
same as before, and that wasn’t much. Next morning
I was awakened before daylight and assembled in the
hall with a couple dozen other guys. We were
marched to a rail yard and put in a box car and
given a chunk of that sawdust bread and a chunk of
cheese. Two days in the box car and we reached
Wetzler, Germany. It was a small compound enclosed
by barbed wire and guard towers. We were each
issued a box containing personal items like a razor,
comb, socks, a sewing kit, toothbrush and a small
towel all furnished by the American Red Cross. We
spent two days here and then got back in the box car
for the final leg of our trip.
I found out much later just how the Germans had
so much information on the airmen who were
captured. It seems that the German sympathizers in
the US read all that was printed in the papers about
the guys going through training. The Army personal
people were eager to supply the folks at home with
all the news they could of the hometown boys in the
service. It was suppose to keep morale up, but it
also fed the Germans with a wealth of information
about these boys. Once read, this information was
sent by way of a neutral country to the German
interrogation unit. When a plane was shot down and
the prisoners locked up in solitary for a few days
it served two purposes. To let the guy think about
his predicament and the bleak future ahead for him,
and to allow the Germans to gather all the
accumulated information and be able to further
demoralize the captive with all the dope they had on
him. Their hope was that the prisoner would think
it was of no use to try to conceal anything."
Chapter 1:
Barksdale Field
Chapter 2:
Chapter 3:
Chapter 4:
Chapter 5:
The March
Chapter 6:
Chapter 7:
Rapports d'évasion
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