"On 24 June, we bailed out near Glanville. I
delayed until 1000 feet. When I touched ground, I walked about 2 km and hid
in a hedgerow. Soon, I contacted the French and was moved along by several
of them towards Dives, where I met 3 British paratroopers. While we were
there, the Gestapo raided the house so we left and crossed to a house on the
other side. On 6 july, we stopped at another house, and found a lot of
Germans inside who captured us.
We were taken to a prison camp S of Cabourg. There we learned the hours for
the changing of the guard, and at 05.30 on 10 July we escaped through a
window. I was to meet the other three at a RV because we went through the
window 5 minutes apart. I was the second. When I reached the rendezvous, the
first man wasn’t there, so I went on alone into a field and hid. On 12 July,
some Germans found me in a field, and I was taken back to the prison from
which I had escaped. They put me on solitary confinement for 2 days on bread
and water.
On 18 July, I was moved to Falaise and then on 21 July to Alençon. I stayed
at the latter place until 9 August, when I was moved to Sées. The next day I
got on a truck detail that was going back to Alençon. Some of our planes
flex above the truck, and the driver drew to the side of the road and guards
hid. I escaped and went cross-country until I contacted a man in the
Resistance who took me to his house and kept me until I was overrun by the
5th Armed Division."