"The Germans
fired at me all the way down. I was hidden near the Pont L’Eveque – Caen
(Calvados) highway until the next morning. Then I went to the nearest house
and asked for water. Giving me cider, she said “vite vite”, and pointed to a
house further down the road.
At this house, I was
fed and hidden. That night, an English speaking man was bought to me and
said we would go to Caen the next day. I spent that night in the barn.
At noon, the English
speaking man said that the trip to Caen was impossible as the Germans were
too close. That night, he took me to his home. He said he had found a “camarade”,
probably the pilot. Two men in the Resistance came that afternoon and
confirmed my name and identity. The next day, I was taken to Blanville by
horse and cart. I joined
Captain Power
“chez Mme Naillant” and from there on, my story is the same as his" |